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Sinclair Planet
The Web's biggest Sinclair-related archive

If you know the name of the game that is shown in the picture above, then you just might know more than the other 386 players currently registered at this site.

Why not test your knowledge of spectrum games against theirs?

 Players Top 15 Favorite Games

1 Buggy Ranger 251 Stars
2 Exolon 200 Stars
3 Lazy Jones 145 Stars
4 Enduro Racer 145 Stars
5 Chuckie Egg 129 Stars
6 The Arc Of Yesod 128 Stars
7 After The War 120 Stars
8 Arkanoid 119 Stars
9 Frog Hopper 115 Stars
10 Freddy Hardest 95 Stars
11 Chaos 93 Stars
12 Zynaps 90 Stars
13 Alien Highway 84 Stars
14 Yeti 84 Stars
15 Express Raider 83 Stars
  New Scoring System
  Posted by RootShell

After careful examination of the high scores achieved by some players and the low ratio of rights versus wrong answers given, I came to the conclusion that the games are quite easy for some and somehow more difficult for others, so a better and harder scoring formula was necessary to make the games more difficult (for better players) while not making them too difficult for the rest of the players.

After testing a few ideas that I initially had, I decided to create this new scoring system, which in my opinion will even the odds for both kind of players.

I'll try to explain it, as briefly and simple as possible:

1) On every 500 points earned, one more possible answer is added (to the initial 5). For instance, when a player score reaches 500 an extra possible answer will be added to the initial 5 (meaning now a total of 6), when the player score reaches 1000 points another possible answer is added (meaning now a total of 7). This way the difficulty will raise proportionally to the player's score, making it more hard for players with higher scores while keeping it more or less simple for the rest.

2) On the other hand, every time a player score drops below a 500 multiple (1000,1500,2000, etc), one possible answer is removed from those that the player had, and if the score gets below 500 only 5 possible answers will appear.

3) When any player score reaches 7500 points, the game will stop adding more possible answers (the player now has 20), so that the game is still playable (despite the fact that this can change if the players keep reaching high scores).

4) The lower number of possible answers is 5 (until the player's score reaches 500, increasing 1 possible answer for each 500 points earned).

5) The maximum number of possible answers is 20 (after player's score reaches 7500 points, decreasing 1 possible answer after each 500 points lost).

In case I didn't make myself clear, consult the following table for complete examples:

0 499 5
500 999 6
1000 1499 7
1500 1999 8
2000 2499 9
2500 2999 10
3000 3499 11
3500 3999 12
4000 4499 13
4500 4999 14
5000 5499 15
5500 5999 16
6000 6499 17
6500 6999 18
7000 7499 19
7500 ... 20

You can send your opinion about this new scoring system to this email, because I really would like to know what you think of it.

Since I guess that some of you will say that you need to try it first, before expressing your opinion, I took the liberty of activating it...

From now on the number of possible answers is based on the actual players scores, according to the rules expressed above.
  Players Feedback
  Posted by RootShell

As you all have noticed, this site is constantly evolving/changing, this is due to the fact that i receive a lot of ideas and complaints about the site, which is very good.

The main objective of this site is to provide fun for it's registered players, and as such I take into serious consideration each idea/complaint received.

Some of you have been asking for more games, and you are right, but it takes time to handle all your requests, add more features, add more games and at the same time doing the maintenance of the site, since i work alone.

Nevertheless, I have already prepared a few more games that I will had as soon as I check them.

But this may take some time, since now it's a summer holidays period, and im not that much time at home.
  Players Game History
  Posted by RootShell

Due to several player complaints about the fact that others players might have been cheating, I decided to enable all players to see each others games history.

This way I hope to stop receiving emails complaining about other players possibly cheating and not using fair play.

Please keep in mind that this site is for fun only. No prizes will be awarded. So there's no need to cheat.

Since this procedure was only introduced in August, games played prior to that date were not recorded, for that fact I apologize (but i didnt see the need for this before).
  100 Registered Players
  Posted by RootShell

Thanks to all of you we reached the 100 registered users on the 27th of July 2004, NuYorican was the lucky 100, winning for that reason a bonus of 100 points.

Welcome NuYorican to our humble site and have fun...
  Email contact
  Posted by RootShell

If you have any doubts or problems you can contact us trought this email
★ ZXSpectrum 'Name The Game' (C)2004 RootShell ★
 Players Rank Move Up Mode Down

7up 5362
Gazzosa 5217
Zup 4568
knightlore 3529
devil_net 3062
LucasM 2679
N70P 2525
Frankie 2478
mateus 2338
ZXUno 2327
IAmTheOne 2284
Dasse 2184
Pringle 2146
ZXSpectrum 1931
eximeno 1860
sdineage 1745
SirClive 1743
Dolphin 1730
Spectrum 1688
Sinclair 1603
ZXNext 1563
Speccy 1521
ZXZeido 1350
jpablo 1230
Beyker 1060
zapato2002 1016
falvarez 1012
Pedrete 914
loatlan 884
Horace 820
robhyson 757
dpm 667
BountyBob 654
RootShell 640
burguer 615
dduarte 609
TrueVideo 542
priestley 540
sw 538
UltraTech 470
kmatveev 461
nach 456
BadBeard 432
RanmaSimon 413
web8bits 358
angelrulax 350
mooh 339
JSaez 330
clebin 312
Frinky 281
Refrenz 276
FeKuLa 267
gusbro 256
tauro10 241
lopezoso 217
trog0 204
Tenaka 204
roque69 181
vito 172
BlackHole 162
aleasoft 145
mclem 130
Dunny 128
kaos 123
NoP 121
risingi 119
stixx 115
NuYorican 115
Sergio 110
aemece 109
Injaki 103
evilpaul 99
Sexy 98
Malc74 96
Pequenuz 92
Marilyn 91
JaM 89
Spaceman 81
Bombjack 80
Buhito 77
FishyFish 77
Siew 74
Uto 68
paulmw 66
Darrel 65
redballoon 65
radastan 63
blunks 60
Nemesis 60
Mulvaney 60
Galaheart 55
mickmog 50
scramble 50
RiK 50
b00mzi11a 50
philicorda 49
stinger 48
ktb 48
kinoko 46
JanEuropa 46
beavis 46
pampim 44
fodda 38
palver 37
Necros 37
dogclassic 37
Andris71 37
Stanley 36
eyp 35
Asji 34
Arjun 34
Simon 33
Berkie 32
vorak 32
zeeny99999 32
DaveEFCUK 32
Cyberteck 31
Metalbrain 31
Filipe 30
Porsche 30
dhan 29
HAL9000 29
camurso 28
Gilby 28
Prophet 28
Pessons 27
mheat 27
solidsnake 26
kev_1234 26
Andreleao 25
ekoman 25
Blood 25
spikey 24
bjohnny 23
Habi 23
darthgord 23
tel 23
malibran 22
perillo 22
Del 22
OBraindeaD 22
Nuno 21
KLP2 21
ncerveira 21
LordVader 20
Lion17 20
kabutor 20
ascii 20
Ben 20
zub128 19
robbie 19
stevepb 19
PioneerDJ 19
andy1969 19
BillyHunt 18
Piquet67 18
Sarah 17
cooops 17
WallyWeek 17
compiuter 17
Forni 17
givenez 17
Flip80 17
recstp 17
thorcraft 16
pakorrito 16
josemoya 16
gunduzs 16
boyAlf 16
SpoonBlend 16
tsartas 14
Madangel 14
ZXfan 14
claxxx 14
inigoayo 14
boyo 14
Grot 14
bembotron 13
DamRho 13
DaveNI 13
sully 13
Manu128k 13
Stefan 13
Erlstoned 13
cnasc 13
Milonesa 13
Thaarg 12
billson 12
Fuzz 12
lockwood 12
gonchuki 12
stano2000 12
zapjar 11
mon 11
Starglider 11
DEUScronio 11
rpmoura 11
Gustavo 11
sabreman 10
Redyapper 10
nbosha 10
GreyLord 10
bitz 10
phantomas 9
teknix 9
smeagol 9
Imsai8080 9
blueatom 9
Kamafeu 9
kidpurple 8
Specfreak 8
Carlitos 8
Hah 7
Gand 7
ravasco 7
kyklooppi 7
PieMan 7
Appleboy 6
snade95 6
BrainMan 6
wibble 6
Roguhr 6
galcolea 6
Innuendo 6
WhiteWidow 5
dmarques 5
albatetra 5
perezoso 5
AxMan 5
Banjo 5
lhhugehole 5
blachu 5
curioso110 5
joca 5
Bloodstone 5
lostsoul 5
ClaudiaVar 5
HellBoy 5
KVash 5
havr 4
ZXbecker 4
stalvs 4
Jokeman 4
colind 4
anders 4
psj3809 4
alicate 4
aerohielo 3
vnomis 3
landserie 3
CKay 3
young89 3
hernyman 3
pak21 3
ZXPlayer 2
yensen 2
superjavi 2
jrmedina 2
td6k 2
javelin 2
tanisito 2
NamedGuy 2
Tom 2
gosub 2
Pandemoniu 2
universozx 2
muhadib 2
farvardin 2
Fusioon 1
gonzo 1
Pepe 1
trifon 1
Daren 1
Shanny 1
Rowan 1
zardoz 1
andi 1
ghost128k 1
iluminatus 1
Jon 1

 Player Countries

Spain 94
Portugal 77
United Kingdom 71
Afghanistan 15
United States Of America 12
Italy 10
Poland 8
Brazil 7
France 7
Russian Federation 7
Argentina 6
Andorra 4
Netherlands 4
Slovakia 4
Sweden 4
Uruguay 4
Czech Republic 3
Greece 3
Belgium 2
Canada 2
Denmark 2
Germany 2
Hungary 2
Romania 2
Anguilla 1
Antigua & Barbuda 1
Austria 1
Belarus 1
Brunei 1
Bulgaria 1
Chile 1
China 1
Ecuador 1
Egypt 1
Finland 1
Honduras 1
Hong Kong 1
India 1
Indonesia 1
Iran 1
Iraq 1
Ireland 1
Israel 1
Japan 1
Jordan 1
Kazakhstan 1
Korea North 1
Latvia 1
Luxembourg 1
Macedonia 1
New Zealand 1
Slovenia 1
Taiwan 1
Turkey 1
Ukraine 1
Venezula 1
Vietnam 1
Yugoslavia 1

 Gender Stats

Male 377
Best Male 7up
Female 9
Best Female ZXSpectrum